• +39 (0)323 924134 - Fax +39 (0)323 924935
  • info@scavini.com

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does Scavini have an agent in every country?
    Unfortunately no. Please let us have your inquiry and we will direct you to the nearest sales representative or manage it directly.

    What about installation and service in countries where there is not an agent?
    The great majority of our equipment are very simple to install as the user manual describes how to prepare the equipment for usage and how to perform troubleshooting: if you are able to install an inkjet printer we are pretty sure there won’t be any problem in installing our instruments. In case you are not able to solve an issue you can always drop us an e-mail and we can put you in contact directly with an engineer via Whatsapp or Skype, of course totally free of cost

    Given an average daily usage, for how long will your products last
    Forever we would like to be the answer and I really got this “complaint” from an agent a few time ago saying that our equipment do not need maintenance or repairs so they do not generate turnover for him but this is exactly what we would like to be. We were born as a small company covering very few markets mostly in Europe and our aim was not travelling around to fix bugs and troubles so we always had an eye on robustness. However we have esteemed an average of 15 to 20 years of duration even if in more than one case we have repaired instruments dating back in the 60’s – 70’s and still running finely.

    Is Scavini ISO9000 certified?
    No and we do not have plans to go through certification process. Frankly speaking, we are in this field since 1957 and we are strongly convinced to be good enough at making testing equipment: we do not need an appointment from somebody that never did this job saying that we passed the exam. We prefer to spend money in HR, research, new and updated machinery etc. rather than in bureaucracy. This doesn’t mean that we do not have a quality control system but it’s something unique, tailored on our needs and perfectly working even without the appointment of a consultant: its goodness is witnessed by the fact that in 10 years we doubled our production reducing claims and requests for technical support.

    A common question from agents or candidate agents: does Scavini appoint exclusive distributors?
    Not any more. Except for some countries where we still have exclusivity contracts, we do not grant any more exclusivity or protection to anyone anywhere in the world: our motto is “we don’t ask you to work only for us, please don’t ask us to work only for you”. For this reason we kindly ask candidate agents to not approach us saying “I did a lot of work to introduce you into that company, now that they are floating a tender if you quote to anybody you’ll vanish our efforts”: for us every customer is an important customer and until I’ll be at the helm of this company, I will never deny a quotation to anyone (oh, unless he’s the agent of our competitors…)

    Can we use our forwarder to pick-up goods?
    Shipping is included in the price reported on the proforma/order confirmation: we prefer to ship through our forwarders because they have their trucks and take care of all shipping aspects directly while others usually call a third party at least for pick up. Moreover every new forwarder requires plenty of documentation in their formats while our agent is already in possess of all the required papers making the entire shipping procedure smoother. If you have an entrusted forwarder for customs clearance at the airport of destination, we can report his name on the AWB so he is notified when the goods leave

    scavini petroleum testing apparatus

    Petroleum Testing Apparatus for oil industry

      Via Donne della Resistenza, 26
    28831 - Baveno ( Verbania ) - ITALY

      Tel. +39 (0)323.924134

      Fax +39 (0)323 924935

      i n f o @ s c a v i n i . c o m

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